Monday, September 29, 2008

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Final 2!!!!!

Okay, here are my final 2!!!!!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Not done yet!!!!

With this project, we have to choose one subject, such as a portrait or an object, and show it move from the foreground to the middle ground to the background.  If you haven't guessed, my object is a "ring".  No, not a hand; although I really like all of my hand pieces.

Monday, September 8, 2008

FLIP BOOK and the pictures keep coming...

This is such a messy project!!  I keep finding charcoal dust all over my dorm room, even in places where I didn't set up my paper and draw.  I also noticed that my snot has become black too.  How in the world was that happening?!!!  I haven't been sticking my charcoal covered fingers up my nose.  Then I realized I must be breathing in the charcoal dust!  Weird, huh?

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Flip Book cont.

Flip Book Eraser Drawing

Using charcoal and a piece of 22"x30" paper, we are to draw 14 separate drawings from observation.  This means we draw one complete drawing, erase it, and draw another drawing on the same piece of paper.  We do this 14 times.  I've only drawn two so far and already my paper is getting smudgy. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

5 Ways project to One Minute Movie

TIME STUDIO is such an interesting class because I still don't know what to expect from it.  Our first project, 5 Ways, required us to pick a topic we're interested in to investigate and then find 5 ways to present the information to the class.  I decided to investigate the circus; I've always been really interested in circus costumes and make-up and I know how to juggle so this topic was very appropriate.  My 5 ways ended up being an article about the history of the circus, a job application for the circus, designs/sketched of my own circus outfit, me performing juggling tricks, and a video of a professional juggler.

Then our next project was to make a one minute movie (one shot; no editing) of that same investigation.  I bought costume make-up and painted my face, not like a clown, but more like the Cirque du Soleil make-up.  It took me about an hour to paint my face.

Our first assignment for SURFACE RESEARCH was to draw/paint 72 self portraits on a 22"x30" piece of paper.  I was dreading this project at first but once I started I had a blast!  I definitely know my face by heart now!!