It wasn't until the end of the lecture that I found out what was going on! I could have listened to her talk about her fashion work!!!! I'm so mad at myself. I did, however, see her walk past the room. I saw her amazing hair first and noticed she was wearing a purple coat... and carrying a black bag... but not to get to psycho lets stop there. Me and another girl from my class went out to get "a drink of water" and watched Korto take a few pictures with people and leave the hall. What an exciting day!!!!
On another note, cheap markers are amazing. You don't care about ruining them by blending like crazy because they only cost five dollars. Heck, you could just get more. I bought these markers right after receiving the book Hellboy II: the art of the movie for Christmas, which had all sorts of concept drawings and even sketches by Guillermo del Toro from his sketchbook. He used markers on all of his drawings. They looked so cool that I went out and got my own markers. Here is my own monstrous creature sketch using markers like del Toro.

This next drawing is much better and I drew it with my markers just to show how amazingly they are! The drawing took me forever because I didn't really have time to work on it. Well now it's done!!! Ha haha ha.