I am a french PIRATE! Avast ye!!!!! Here is the complete costume: corset overdress, blouse, pantaloons (aka britches), white leggings, shoes, fan and wig! I'm extremely happy with how my costume came out; it's very Marie Antoinette and incredibly ridiculous. Who in their right "pirate" mind would go treasure hunting in such a silly ensemble. Both my dad and my friend's dad had the same reaction: "I thought it was a pirate costume". Weren't there any French pirates?!!!! I guess most people today think of Jack Sparrow when they hear "pirate costume". Well, I don't!
Here I am looking sweet!
Here, looking sweet with the fan!
I changed my color scheme. Instead of golden britches, I went with a powdered blue. The shirt is a cream color, not white.
Detail of the overdress and the lacy blouse.
The make-up is so fun to do! I used red lip stain, pink eye shadow for the blush (because I don't have any red blush), and liquid eye liner for the beauty mark. I think scars over my left eye would add some edge to this fluffy pirate.
Au revoir! xoxo
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